Top 4 Kitchen Gadgets To Make Healthy Eating EASIER!

If you're a busy mom, sometimes convenience trumps frugality.   Yes, we could spend 15 minutes chopping nuts into 1/2-inch tiny pieces for granola bars, but if a small appliance can do it in 15 seconds, we're interested.  Gadgets, appliances, and kitchen tools do tend to make life easier in the kitchen and they often motivate us to try new recipes and experiment a little more in the kitchen.

This weekend kicks off the launch of our new YouTube series- Healthy Kids for Busy Families.  Each week features tips, products, and recipes to make life a little easier for busy parents.  We aren't holding back so this is a raw look at cooking with kids (= occasional frustration) and featuring new recipes (= occasional disaster).

In our first episode, I feature the Top 4 gadgets in the kitchen that make healthy eating easier and quicker for us.  We then show a delicious homemade granola bar recipe that has become a staple in our home.  Four ingredients, no baking, easy enough for kids to make, and ready in 3 minutes.  That's a win in our book! Be sure to stay tuned to the end of the video for the behind-the-scenes chaos that happens during filming.  It's not always "Pollyannaish" in the kitchen.  Each episode in the series includes our bloopers, blunders, and a lot of bleeps.  PG-13....possibly!

Check out our list of recommended products for Meal Planning and Gardening Here!